
25 Oct

15 Easy Ways to Burn Calories Without Even Noticing

Source: e Reader's Digest,,

Even though exercising keeps us healthy, it can be really boring. These everyday tasks, that are likely already on your to-do list, keep you in shape.

17 Oct

9 Habits of Healthy Families


Every wonder how families stay healthy, fit and thin? We asked Dr. Oz for his tips on how to build a healthy family strategy. Dr. Oz says families that make healthy lifestyle choices together, stay healthy together. Here's his game plan for your family.

11 Oct

The Power of the Mind - 7 Ways to Be Happier

Source: Purely B

A large part of wellness comes from emotional wellbeing and balance, which in turn, result in happiness. Although we usually separate and compartmentalise the physical and the emotional, one very important point that you should always remember is that each and every one of your thoughts is often accompanied by a physical reaction in the body; noticeable or not. So our physical and emotional health are very much linked to each other.

4 Oct

Want To Be Happier, Healthier, And More Productive? Go Green.


October is National Work & Family Month, when businesses, academic institutions, federal agencies, members of Congress, work-life advocacy groups, and individuals collectively raise awareness about making it easier for employees to succeed at work and at home.